My Morning Routine - Rébecca

by - January 15, 2016

All the products I regularly use in the morning.

One thing you should know about me is that I don’t believe in using the same products every day without exception or else you’ll die. I do believe that using a product for an extended period of time is needed to see its effects, I do believe in being consistent: if you start a product you finish it and I don’t think that having a bazillion opened products is needed, but I do think you have to adapt the products to your needs and my skin does not have the same needs everyday of the week. Let me explain: most days I’ll simply apply hydrating products, but then one day for some unknown reason my skin will feel drier, well then on this one day I’ll use something a bit richer, if one day I have more pimples: then I’ll use something taking care of this need. That’s why on each category I have up to 3 opened products that I switch between depending on my needs.

Now that I’ve explained myself here is my routine:

1 – TONER/SOFT CLEANSE: This I do not use everyday – if I need to get ready quickly to go out I’ll simply skip this step and start with the next product, I only use it on days when I’m at home and I have a few hours to go before getting ready. I use a soft kind of lotion just to refresh my skin after I’ve woken up, get rid of the dust, etc. Honestly I don’t think it has any effect on my skin, I just like the fresh feeling it gives.

2 - CLEANSE: I prefer to use a balm kind of cleanser because it's thicker which I like a lot in the morning, right now is a bad example because I’m using an oil (because I don’t like it as a makeup remover and because it is thicker so still enjoyable but you get the idea)

2 ½ - PAT DRY: This is a step in itself just because I want to mention that I use a clean towel every day. Why? Because I don’t get how you expect you skin to be cleaned if after you’ve cleansed you dry it with a dirty towel.

3 part 1 - MIST: I LOVE mists/waters. First: products penetrate the skin better if it is slightly wet. Second: I just love this step because it makes feel fresh and nice. The one I use also have a soothing effect and I can’t help but think that yes it does because I have a lot less redness patches every since I started using it (which is several years ago).

3 part 2 - MIST AGAIN: Just because I love mists and waters. And this one has different properties than the first one: so totally justifiable. Though on days when I’m in a hurry I can skip this step and I don’t feel worst.

4 - TONER: I said it before but I will say it again: I LOVE mist/waters. I’m not sure that this is totally (or even remotely) necessary but I love this step so I do it.

5 - SERUM n°1: I simply LOVE this product, I could not describe why I see it is working but it is I know it.

6 - EYE CREAM: pretty much self-explanatory

7 - SERUM n°2: Just because I feel like using two of them.

8 - CREAM: I alternate between the two as in: the lighter version is almost finished so I’m trying to use it up but it is not strong enough so I have to use it wisely.

9 – SUNSCREEN: At the moment I’m not using any because there’s not that much sun right now where I live so I consider to be enough the SPF 15 in the face cream (and I do just in case carry a SPF spray in my handbag should I stay in the sun for long periods of time).

It does seem quite long but to be honest even though I want my skin to look good I remain a fairly lazy person so trust me when I say it does not take that much time to do all of this. 

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