[Review] Hadalabo - Gokujyun Lotion - Rébecca

by - March 25, 2016

Hadalabo Gokujyun Lotion

This is one of the first (if not THE first) Asian skincare product that I ever tried. It attracted me as usual with the Hyaluronic Acid in it and the no fuss, straight forward approach of the brand. They are not trying to sell you cutesy packaging and frivolus stuff, with never seen before ingredient, which I also like, but I tend to be much more attracted to ‘medical’ looking types of products, there is not necessarily more research into them but they look like they do, I also use to have a more sensitive skin and like to have a few risk-less products. The Rohto Hadalabo Gokyjyun Hyaluronic Acid line is aimed at all skin types and aims to moisturize your skin deeply. Surprisingly enough the lotion I’m going to talk about today is the only product from the range that I have ever tried, the other product from the line do attract me too but for some reason I haven’t yet.

This is the information that can be found on the Rohto Hadalabo official for the lotion:
“Instantly hydrate your skin. HADA LABO Goku-jyun Clear Lotion should be used after washing with HADA LABO Goku-jyun Face Wash and serves as the foundation to your moisturizing routine. While it looks clear like a toner or makeup remover, it’s actually a moisturizer that helps prepare your skin for better absorption of other HADA LABO products. In fact, the HADA LABO Goku-jyun Clear Lotion can be used as a standalone moisturizer. Or, if you feel your skin needs additional moisture after it has absorbed the HADA LABO Goku-jyun Clear Lotion, follow it with the HADA LABO Goku-jyun Serum, HADA LABO Goku-jyun Milk, or HADA LABO Goku-jyun Cream—or a combination of all three, depending on the level of your moisturizing needs. (5.7 fl oz/170 ml)
Instructions : After removing your makeup and cleansing with HADA LABO Goku-jyun Face Wash, pour a nickel-size amount of the lotion into your palm and rub between your hands to warm. Using the HADA LABO patting technique, gently pat onto your face and neck until it is thoroughly absorbed. Wait until the product is fully absorbed to apply any additional moisturizers or to apply makeup. Use twice daily after washing face."

The cap is very convinent to get only a few drops.

The lotion comes in a 170 ml (5.7 fl. oz) plastic bottle (if you are willing to think about our planet you can keep the bottle once you are done with it, clean it and buy a refill bag of this lotion), the cap is such that it dispense product drop by drop (if you are gentle with it, I guess if you pressed like crazy it would just splatter all over) which I think is great. The lotion itself is a clear thick kind of water (but not enough to be considered gel). The product feels super smooth and glides on the skin amazingly well. It does not have any smell to it apart the ‘cosmetic ingredient’ smell which makes it perfect for more sensitive skins.

Looking at the ingredient list on CosDNA is very satisfaying. All ingredients but one are described as safe, methylparaben (a preservative) is the only ingredient that has a medium score (of 4) on the safety column. It contains 5 humectant ingredients and an emollient one. The ingredient list is quite short and that is nice for sensitive skin but manages to contain 3 different form of hyaluronic acid.

Product is clear, runny but not like water.

My thoughts on it:
I love this product a lot. I said it before but I would rather pile on several thin layer than a thick one, I feel like it moisturize better. This one is awesome because it glides on the skin and it feels instantly moister. When I feel more dehydrated than usual I can use 2 layers of this or use it in a lotion mask, or I do the first 3 cycles of the Hadacrie with this one. It is perfect.
My only problem with it (is not really one) I use 3 drops of this in the morning, which leads to the bottle lasting me forever. And forever is too long because I get bored with it. The first time I used it I could not finish the bottle because I got bored of it, Sarah did. Yet I missed it so much that I bought it again a few month after. Now that my bottle has only 25% left I’m happy because again I got a little bored of it, yet I like it a lot.

Product is quickly absorbed (though to the touch it is still a bit tacky).

*Feels really moisturizing
*Instantly soothe my dehydrated skin
*Penetrates quickly
*Texture is very light and nice
*No smell
*Great for all skin types (even sensitive)

I can’t see none.

Note: 5/5

Would I repurchase? Yes

Price: About 13$ on Amazon, I bought mine a while ago on Adambeauty for about 15$. I can't find how much I paid for just the refill.

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2 commentaires

  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, honestly I've never heard of anyone who tried it and did not like it.
